Build Your Own ePortfolio
Students will learn how to use HTML, CSS and JS to code their own websites!
Course Content

This Course Is For:
- Students interested in learning how to code!
- Those who love design!
- Students who want to build their own website!
What You'll Cover:
- Fundamental HTML5 tags (e.g. text, image, audio, video, tables, forms)
- Core CSS concepts (content flow, positioning, basic CSS styling)
- Graphic effects (gradients, shadows, typography)
- Core uses of JavaScript (e.g. getElementById, innerHTML, DOM)
- A completed personal website!
Other Perks:
- Publish and share your website with friends on the World Wide Web!
- Serves as an excellent in-road to official Certifications
- Mapped to formal curriculum (IB/ALevel CompSci web technology)
- Supplementary resources for continuous learning!
The Answers You Need
Class sizes typically range between 4-8 students. There is a minimum number of 3 students needed for group classes and holiday boot camps
How big is the class size? Is there a minimum class size?
Payments can be made by online/ATM bank transfer. Details can be found in our enrollment acknowledgement email.
What are the payment options?
Online classes will be held via a private Google Meets link that will be shared with participants before the start of the course.
How are Online classes conducted?
Please ensure that all necessary software (if any) are installed on your computer before the start of each course. Instructions will be sent via e-mail informing students on what they will need to do before the course begins.
What do I need to prepare before the class?
Our Day Camps are designed to connect with our Regular Courses, allowing you to carry on with your learning on the same topic. Alternatively you may choose to dive into something new and exciting.
What’s next after Holiday Camps?
Learn the fundamentals of Web Development and Design by building your very own web portfolio! Students will learn how to code in HTML, CSS and JavaScript as they discover the core elements needed to build a custom website! The course pushes students to unleash their creativity as they come up with mock-ups and designs for their digital portfolio. If students have coded other projects before this is an excellent way to showcase them!
Introduction to HTML, CSS, JavaScript
How dynamic websites function
Building a simple user interface (UI) with HTML5
Formatting the UI with Cascading Style Sheets
Coding interactive elements with JavaScript
A certificate of completion
Your own personal e-portfolio hosted!
Access to our learning resources
SWAG - EZA goodies
We visit websites every day, why not try making your own?
Make your own website and share the things you're passionate about!